Tuesday, January 15, 2019


Happy New Year from the Powell family. 2018 was a great year of opportunity. With your prayer and financial support, we were able to take advantage of many of those opportunities. Project Joseph grew into a program of churches, families, and individuals conducting 30 feeding programs in Venezuelan neighborhoods, prisons, hospitals, schools, and churches. Mission20 hosted medical teams in Bogota. And Torre Fuerte planted 2 new churches in Venezuela. However, I believe 2019 is a year of even greater opportunities. With your help, we will again take advantage of the doors of ministry opened to us. 

We are committed to continuing and growing Project Joseph this year. The need is great for the feeding programs and the opportunity to share the Gospel is even greater. More can be done and will be done.  

As a ministry, we seek to meet the physical needs of people with food, vitamins, and medicines. And of course, we minister to spiritual needs. But one of our greatest thrills is to bring joy to people. I think this young man's face radiates joy, not just happiness. The cupcake may make him happy, but the love of the workers brings joy. In 2019 we want people to experience the TRUE JOY of knowing God.

Elsa, Gaby, and I thank you for your prayer and financial support. In 12 months we will again celebrate the great things God did through all of us working together. You make it possible for us to be here.

Elsa, Gaby, and John Powell
Bogota Colombia