Friday, December 20, 2019


Christmas Greetings from the Powell family! We hope and pray that this holiday will be special for each of you. It will be special for us, even if it will be different. Elsa has been in Venezuela since Thanksgiving working with our churches and Project Joseph Ministries. And she will be able to spend Christmas with her mother and family. This will be the first time in 4 years. She is looking forward to it. Gaby and I will travel to Bucaramanga on Dec 23 to spend Christmas. She will have the chance to go horseback riding in the mountains and she is very excited. 
As the year ends let us say "Thank You." You have no idea how blessed we are to be able to serve the Lord on the mission field. You have been a  part of everything accomplished.... every person saved and every person healed. You helped serve thousands of meals to people in need and 20000 Bibles are in the hands of people who previously had none. And thousands can now see to read and work because of the glasses you provided. "Thank You."
With 2020 coming we are getting ready to do even more. 
Wishing you the best Christmas ever!
John, Elsa, and Gaby Powell
Bogota, Colombia